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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

scorpion tattoo design

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As a member of the arachnid family, the scorpion has a massive amount of species. While its beginnings aren't completely known, there is evidence that they are over 400 million years old. In Greek Mythology the scorpion represents the military-like readiness, seen in its quick bite and poisonous results. Constellations have been named after scorpions, and represented in Astrology. It's no wonder that many enthusiasts today desire obtaining scorpion tattoos.

Whether a representation of your zodiac sign, Scorpio, or as a reminder that death walks with us everyday, it's presence on your skin permanently is an everyday reminder of what the creature stands for.

A sense of power and healing come from the scorpions segmented body. Many believed that they represented healing and protection for the dead. Some cultures even believed that warriors were reincarnated as half-human half-scorpion to defeat their enemies with their combating expertise. It is also believed that this creature was the reason for the death of Orion, who is now seen in the constellations. Whatever your beliefs, this creature conveys death and life, pain and healing.

Many individuals get tattoos today and often enough the meanings behind their art run beyond skin deep. Mothers mark their bodies with permanent representations of their children, loved ones, or lost ones. The daily reminder seen on your body is, to some, a truer depiction of their love and admiration. Not to mention the honor involved. Pain inflicted by the tattooing needle, the time and effort into the creation of the art, all have a lasting affect physically and mentally. Some find solace and peace resulting from their body art.

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