Last month, I asked for input on where I should put my WordPress tattoo. After over a hundred votes sent in via, blog comments, Twitter, and email, I announced on the first of this month that I would be getting my new tattoo on my inside wrist/forearm. Well, as promised, I got the tattoo on my birthday… well the day before my birthday, but I’m hoping that you won’t hold that against me.
One of the most important things about a tattoo is originality. You can’t go into a tattoo shop and pick a design off of the wall. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a tattoo that 100 maybe 200 other people around the world may have. I came up with the idea of getting a “skin tear”, a popular kind of tattoo which simulates a tear in the skin to reveal something else underneath. In this case, I thought that a motherboard would be cool. So, to give the tattoo artist, Kevin, an idea of what I wanted, I photoshopped a motherboard with a WordPress logo incorporated into it. Of course there is way too much detail in this image to possibly put into a tattoo, but I wanted something that the Kevin could reference while designing my tattoo. (colors, shapes, etc.)
Based on the description of what I wanted and the image I provided, Kevin came up with this design. There was however, one correction that I asked Kevin to fix. Thank goodness for my Fairy Blog Mother who told me the difference between the real WordPress logo and the many fakes that can be found on the net. After that simple correction, we were set to start inking! Of course, Geek that I am, I couldn’t resist Tweeting the experience from my handy dandy never leave home without it iPhone, which you can see in the image on the right of this post.

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